StartGreencarrier launches a new corporate website

Greencarrier launches a new corporate website

We are proud to announce the launch of Greencarrier’s new corporate website. This is a natural next step in our journey to strengthen our brand and grow our business. With a cleaner look and easier navigation, our new corporate website perfectly aligns with our vision, sustainability focus, and customer-centric approach.

We are proud to announce the launch of Greencarrier’s new corporate website. This is a natural next step in our journey to strengthen our brand and grow our business. With a cleaner look and easier navigation, our new corporate website perfectly aligns with our vision, sustainability focus, and customer-centric approach.

Quickly find the right logistics solution

Our primary goal is to provide seamless logistics solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of our customers. With our new website, we have made it easier for you to quickly find the right logistics solution to suit your requirements. Whether you are an existing client or a prospective partner, our website offers an extensive range of shipping and logistics services.

One of the most sustainable logistics providers in the market

The launch of our new website not only introduces a refreshed visual identity and logotype. It also embodies our commitment to sustainability. As we look ahead, sustainability will remain at the forefront of our mission. Over the next five years, we are dedicated to becoming one of the most sustainable logistics providers in the market, with sustainability ingrained into every aspect of our operations.

Visit our new website – and prepare for smooth sailing

With more than 30 years of global shipping experience and a service-minded staff, we are here to assist you with high-quality sea freight and logistics services. To us, everything is possible!

For any questions, please contact:
Cecilia Jonebäck
Head of Communications

Head of Communications

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