
Greencarrier Spirit Fund

A medical professional wearing a scrub cap and mask with the "Mercy Ships" logo is standing beside a bed and talking to a patient. The patient is lying in bed, appearing attentive to the doctor, with a bandage on their neck and an IV line in their arm. The setting suggests a hospital room with a privacy curtain in the background.

We have a proud history of taking a social responsibility in our local communities

Through our CSR fund, the Greencarrier Spirit Fund, we have a proud history of taking social responsibility in our local communities. Every year, we allocate 1% of the group’s profits to various CSR-related projects. Our colleagues are then able to apply to the fund with a project or an organisation, that they think could use the help of Greencarrier. This allows us to maintain committed employees as well as diversify our CSR projects. We also allocate parts of the funds for partnerships, as we strive for long-term commitments.

Container illustration

Our key partners

In the Greencarrier Spirit Fund, we also strive for long-term social responsibility. That is why we have entered partnerships with organisations that excel in social sustainability. Through collaborations with Räddningmissionen, Solvatten and Mercy Ships, we help address a wide range of pressing social issues. These include healthcare and access to surgery, homelessness and social exclusion, access to safe and clean water are all covered by our incredible partners in the Spirit Fund. Our remarkable key partners not only enable us to have a broad impact but also provide the possibility of personal involvement and commitment from our colleagues.


Solvatten is a social enterprise based in Sweden with one mission: to provide people living in developing countries with safe and hot water in a portable, environmentally friendly way.


Räddningsmissionen, The Rescue Mission translated, is a non-profit, social work organisation with Christian values based in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Mercy Ships

The international organisation, Mercy Ships, provides surgery and healthcare to people who live in countries where access to these basic functions is scarce.

Key partner

Mercy Ships

The international organisation, Mercy Ships, provides surgery and healthcare to people who live in countries where access to these basic functions is scarce. Onboard their two hospital ships they are able to give state-of-the-art surgery to people who live in our world’s most under-developed countries. Their important work relies on the efforts of volunteers—something we happily support.

Key partner


Räddningsmissionen, The Rescue Mission translated, is a non-profit, social work organisation with Christian values based in Gothenburg, Sweden. Since 1952, they have been working with people in different vulnerable life situations. They offer both immediate and long-term solutions to create change for the people they meet. The work they do is widespread and consists of a lot of different projects spread out across the city.

Key partner


Solvatten is a social enterprise based in Sweden with one mission: to provide people living in developing countries with safe and hot water in a portable, environmentally friendly way. Solvatten does this through their ingenious inventions, which is a portable water canister that harvests UV light from the sun to purify water, making it safe to consume. Not only does a Solvatten unit help with access to safe water, but the social benefits are multifold; less emissions, more hours to education, and fewer sick days, just to name a few.

Headshot of Patrik Westræus in formal attire with a neatly combed hairstyle, looking directly at the camera. He is wearing a light grey suit with a white shirt and a dark blue tie with polka dots. A white pocket square complements his suit. The background is softly blurred with warm lighting, suggesting an upscale indoor setting.

Do you want to know more about our sustainability work?

Patrik Westræus
Head of Sustainability

Phone: +46 (0) 70 412 72 63