Greencarrier launches season 2 of the Swedish Logistics podcast Älska Logistik

Greencarrier can proudly announce that their Swedish Logistics podcast Älska Logistik (Love Logistics) is back with a second season, on September 19th 2019.

Älska Logistik makes it easier to stay updated in the world of logistics and quickly and efficiently makes you a bit wiser after each episode. The podcast is hosted by Greencarrier, the largest privately owned logistics company in the Nordics, with the employees and hosts Åsa Leander and Tea Grbic.

Älska Logistik interviews the sharpest logistics experts in Sweden and extracts the essentials about the topic in about 15 minutes. The purpose is to inspire and to move the world of logistics closer to the individual, by entertaining, educating and challenging. This season, new episodes will be released every Thursday and the podcast is available on Spotify, Acast and iTunes.

– We did not know exactly what to expect when we started the Greencarrier podcast last spring, but it really hit off from the start. We were able to attract interesting experts to share their knowledge with us and our listeners, and we created a good mix of topics for the first season, which we will continue with in season 2. There has actually been a high demand for more episodes. During season 1, we released new episodes every other week, but new for this season is that we will release the episodes every Thursday during the fall, says Åsa Leander, Head of Sustainability & Brand at Greencarrier.

– A podcast as a format is perfect, because the listener is able to do other things at the same time. Our micro format has been really appreciated, combined with a straight to the point-approach when we dig into different topics within the logistics industry. If you are curious about the future of logistics, with a focus on digitalization, trends and sustainability, you should not miss Greencarrier’s podcast. All you need is a connection to internet and 15 minutes of your time! Says Tea Grbic, Head of Social Media & Digital Communication at Greencarrier.

Listen to the podcast here: 

Älska Logistik at Instagram: @alskalogistik

For more information, please contact:
Åsa Leander,Head of Sustainability and Brand Management

Tea Grbic,
Head of Social Media and Digital Communication 

+46 31 85 32 00

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