We are excited to announce the launch of Hecksher’s new website, which enhances the user experience and makes it easier to find information about their shipping and logistic services.
The website features a refreshed look, improved navigation and easy access to Hecksher’s online tools.
“With this new website we want to present our customers, staff and other visitors with an offer that clearly states who we are, what we stand for, and what we can achieve for our customers. The new website also aligns with our business concept of high quality, personal commitment and continued development.” Says Niklas Olsson, CEO Hecksher.
With our proud past of more than two hundred years of shipping experience, we are happy to have this new website as a stable ground to continue to serve our customers with shipping solutions many years ahead.
We hope you enjoy the new look of Hecksher! You find the site here: hecksher.com
For any questions, suggestions or comments please contact Hecksher on info@hecksher.com