News & Stories

The latest news and stories from Greencarrier

”Transpoint International (FI) is a top player in Finland-to-Baltics on Road Freight with a very long history and a diversified client base. For us, this is an important and natural...

Earlier this year Greencarrier was interviewed on our view on integration of sustainability and now the result is part of this report along with the views from 20 other companies...

Greencarrier has been selected to join the collaboration platform Triple F, which works for a fossil free future within the logistics sector. Triple F is the Swedish Transport Administration’s research...

Solvatten is a Swedish invention and a social enterprise making portable solar powered jerry cans for heating and treating water. It’s a combination of portable water treatment and water heater...

The increase in the e-commerce industry leads to an increased need for freight transport and thus increased CO2 emissions. The Fossil Free Freight Challenge 2020 is the innovation competition that...

At Greencarrier we monitor the situations very closely and we are in close contact with our customers, our suppliers and most importantly our people. Our main focus in these challenging...

Within young people lies the future – and we at Greencarrier are happy to be part of their journey towards fulfilling their dreams and finding their future work. Since 2018...

While the epicenter was in China during January and February we are now seeing clear signs and results of a manufacturing process being brought back. At the same time the...

The Fossil Free Freight Challenge 2020 is an innovation competition in Sweden – whose purpose is to challenge various organizations connected to the e-commerce industry to create a freight solution...

We are monitoring every new development and adapting our response on a daily basis. Our focus is on protecting the health and safety of our employees and ensuring our customers’...